Bylaws & Regulations



Revised October 2014,

Revised October 4, 2018

Revised October 7, 2021

Revised October 6, 2022



1.1 The name of the organization shall be the Massachusetts Track & Field Officials Association (MTFOA).


2.1 The purpose of MTFOA is to provide personnel to officiate in all phases of Track & Field Athletics.

2.2 Track & Field Athletics shall include track & field meets, road races and cross-country meets.


3.1 Membership is open to all persons who are interested in officiating in Track & Field Athletics and who have reached the age of eighteen (18).

3.2 A candidate for membership must complete an application, submit it to the Commissioner of Officials - or her/his designee - and pass an entrance examination.

3.3 Requirements for maintaining membership are set forth in these By-Laws and Regulations.

3.3a. Each member shall attend at lest one general membership meeting each year unless excused for valid cause

3.3b. The Executive Board shall determine if valid cause exists for any failure to mee the aforesaid requiremet and shall determine conditions for reinstatement.

3.4 All members are expected to work for the good of MTFOA.

3.5 If a complaint is lodged against a member for conduct unbecoming an official, the Executive Board shall

adjudicate said complaint according to procedures as set forth below in Article 7.


4.1 The Officers of the MTFOA shall consist of a President, Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer.

4.2 The Officers shall be elected for a term of two years. Such election shall occur at the Spring meeting and

the term of office shall commence at the Annual Meeting in October.

4.3 The duties of the officers are as follows:

4.3.A The President shall preside at all meetings of the MTFOA Executive Board and General

Membership and shall be responsible for such other duties as the Executive Board from time to time

determines to the extent authorized by law or these By-Laws or Regulations, as promulgated.

4.3.B The Vice President shall preside at any meeting listed in 4.3.A above if the President is absent or

otherwise unable to preside and shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board or President

from time to time determines to the extent authorized by law or these By-Laws or Regulations, as


4.3.C. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for such duties as determined by the Executive Board

to the extent authorized by law as well as these By-Laws and Regulations, as promulgated. Any

duties or powers of the Secretary-Treasurer may be delegated to an Assistant Treasurer who shall

have such other powers and duties as the Executive Board or Secretary-Treasurer from time to time

determines to the extent authorized by law or these By-Laws or Regulations, as promulgated.

4.3.D The Officers shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board from time to time determines to

the extent authorized by law or these By-Laws or Regulations, as promulgated.

4.4 The officers shall each serve a term of up to two years unless appointed to fill a vacancy pursuant to the provisions of these bylaws. The President and Vice-President may not succeed themselves.


5.1 There shall be an Executive Board that shall have general charge of the affairs of the Association with the exception of those questions reserved for the general membership.

5.2 The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, immediate

Past President, six At-Large Members and two Area Members, one of whom resides North of

Route I-90 and one of whom resides South of Route I-90.

5.3 The Officers of the MTFOA shall serve on the Executive Board for the term coinciding with their terms of office. The immediate past President shall serve for one year.

5.4 At-Large and area members of said Executive Board shall be elected at the Spring meeting from among the membership for a term of up to two years, with four members elected each year one of which shall be an area member.

5.5 No member may be elected to the Board unless a member of the Association for at least three years at the commencement of the term of office.

5.5 No elected member who has served four consecutive years in such office shall be eligible for immediate

re-election as a member of the Executive Board except by virtue of his or her election as an officer.

5.6 The term of office of the Executive Board shall begin with the fiscal year of MTFOA commencing with

the first meeting in October.

5.7 The Executive Board shall:

5.8.A Select officers of the MTFOA to fill unexpired terms where vacancies occur;

5.8.B Conduct such business of the MTFOA between meetings not otherwise provided for in these By-Laws and Regulations;

5.8.C Conduct a bi-annual review of these By-Laws and Regulations, as adopted.

5.8.D Audit the Treasurer’s records annually and report at the October meeting;

5.8.E Have the authority to impose sanctions as set forth in Article 7 below;

5.8.F Appoint a Recording Secretary who shall be responsible for recording actions taken at each Executive Board and General Membership meeting and for causing said minutes to be published following adoption in a timely manner on the MTFOA website;

5.8.G Appoint an Assistant Treasurer with duties and responsibilities as contained in Article 4.3.C above;

5.8.H Appoint a webmaster for the MTFOA website with duties as contained in these By-Laws and

Regulations, as adopted; and

5.8.I Appoint an apparel manager with duties as contained in these By-Laws and Regulations, as adopted.


6.1 The following standing committees are hereby established under these By-Laws with such powers and duties as

set forth in Regulations to be hereinafter established and revised from time to time in accordance with

procedures set forth herein:

(i) Nominating Committee

(ii) Negotiation Committee

(iii) Dinner Committee

(iv) Recruitment Committee

(v) Communications Committee

(vi) Professional Development Committee

6.2 The President with the approval of the Executive Board, or the Executive Board acting on its own, may establish

and empower such other or further standing or special Committees it shall see fit in order to carry out the

functions or address issues involved in the operation of the Association.

6.3 Membership on all such committees, shall be set by the President with the approval of the Executive Board for a term not to exceed two years, but in no instance for a period in excess of the term of the President in, office except for members of the Negotiating Committee who shall serve terms as set forth in Section 6.2.B of the Regulations.

6.4 Vacancies on any committee having a defined or limited membership shall be filled by the President with the

approval of the Executive Board.


7.1 Anyone may lodge a complaint for adjudication in writing to the Executive Board concerning any conduct

unbecoming of an official who is a member of the Association including, but not limited to, application when

appropriate of the Rules of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), the National

Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) or

other recognized Rules when applicable at a particular meet (hereinafter referred to as the Applicable Rules).

7.2 Any member may lodge a complaint for adjudication in writing to the Executive Board concerning any conduct

or decision unbecoming a Meet Director or Race Organizer, whether or not said party is a member of the


7.3 The President of the Association shall appoint a subcommittee of not less than three nor more than seven

members of the Executive Board who shall hear and determine any such complaint pursuant to Regulations

adopted by the Executive Board. Such regulations and all proceedings hereunder shall provide for due process

for any party against whom a complaint is brought, prior to any determination by the Executive Board.

7.4 Sanctions that may be imposed under this section against any member shall include formal or informal

reprimand, suspension of membership with or without conditions for reinstatement, or termination of

membership. Sanctions that may be imposed against a Race Organizer or Meet Director may include restricting

services of MTFOA members to said Meet Director/Race Organizer and/or the organization represented.

7.5 Any such complaint must be filed within sixty (60) days of the date on which said conduct occurred which forms

the basis of the complaint filed under this Article.


8.1 The dues of each member shall be fixed annually as recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the membership.

8.2 Dues are payable on a date (Due Date) to be determined by the Executive Board with sufficient notice to the membership.

8.3 Failure to pay dues in a timely manner as outlined in the Regulations will result in penalties being assessed, which may include termination of the member from the Association.

8.4 Appeal for reinstatement shall be made through the Executive Board.


9.1 A quorum shall consist of at least thirty (30) members in good standing at a general membership meeting.

9.2 To be in good standing, a member must have paid his/her dues as required in Article 8 above and meet other requirements as set forth in these bylaws and the Regulations.

9.3 Only members who are in good standing shall be permitted to vote.

9.4 All motions and elections shall require a majority of those present and voting.

9.5 There shall be no voting permitted by proxy.


10.1 There shall be Annual Meeting of the Association which shall be held in October on a date and location as determined by the Executive Board.

10.2 Other meetings of the Association should be scheduled on dates and at locations as determined by the Executive Board with sufficient notice to members as outlined in the Regulations. One such meeting should be scheduled in the Spring at which time elections should be held.

10.3 The President may call a special meeting at his/her discretion and, in addition, shall call a meeting upon

request of at least ten (10) members in good standing.

10.4 All members shall be notified at least ten (10) days in advance of all meetings, unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws or Regulations.

10.5 In those instances where the By-Laws and Regulations do not provide, Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply.


11.1 There shall be a Commissioner of Officials who shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Executive Board for a term of up to three years commencing annually as of July 1st of any year. The Commissioner may be reappointed in the same manner.

11.2 Any member in good standing is eligible for the Commissioner’s position.

11.3 Should the position become vacated during the term, the President may name a temporary replacement at

his/her discretion immediately and a permanent replacement shall be selected in the same manner as contained

in Article 11.1 above to fulfill the unexpired term at the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Board.

11.4 The Commissioner of Officials shall be paid at the rate recommended by the Executive Board.

11.5 The Commissioner of Officials shall have such duties and responsibilities as are set forth in the Regulations or

as are assigned by the Executive Board and shall be a member of the Executive Board with voice, but no vote.


12.1 The Executive Board shall determine the design and nature of official MTFOA apparel and may in its

discretion revise the design and nature of official MTFOA apparel, including the addition of new items of

apparel. No apparel of any design or nature once adopted by the Executive Board may be considered improper

for use at any Track or Cross-Country Meet or sanctioned Road Race, absent notice of same to the membership

and vote specifically disallowing such item or design, or if designated by the Games Committee for that

specific meet or race. The Meet Director, Race Director and/or Games Committee of any specific event may

designate alternate apparel for that event, and shall supply at no charge any apparel different from that

previously approved by the Executive Board.

12.2 MTFOA apparel shall be used only pursuant to Regulations and with restrictions as determined from time to

time by the Executive Board.

12.3 Any official MTFOA apparel is for the exclusive use of current members in good standing. These articles of

apparel are not to be worn by, purchased by, or transferred to any other individuals except current members of

the MTFOA.

12.4 An Apparel Manager shall be appointed by the Executive Board to oversee purchasing and selling of MTFOA

apparel; and to supervise the inventory of equipment used by MTFOA in assigned meets. The Apparel Manager shall be appointed annually and will receive a stipend as recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the Membership.


13.1 Proposed amendments to these By-Laws that are approved by the Executive Board shall be sent to all members

at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

13.2 Said amendments that have been circulated under Article 13.1 above shall be voted upon at the meeting referred to in said notice.

13.3 Amendments to be enacted require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of members present and eligible to vote.

13.4 The Executive Board, by majority approval of those members in good standing present, shall have the power

to declare a portion of the next membership meeting as a special session for By-Law review.

13.5 All members must be sent notification at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date that a special session for By-Law review is on the agenda.

13.6 During a special session for said By-Law review, any amendment to these By-Laws may be considered.


14.1 Regulations shall include those key directives of the Executive Board that deal with the governance of the

Association and established by said Board. Such Regulations shall be adopted or amended by the Executive

Board acting upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the said Board present at a duly constituted meeting.

14.2 Proposals for new Regulations or amendments to the existing Regulations shall be distributed to the Executive

Board along with a notice of the meeting at which they will be considered.

14.3 Proposed amendments may be submitted in writing to the President by any member. The President shall

inform the submitter in writing as to the disposition of his/her proposal.

14.4 Regulations shall be published on the MTFOA website and available to members of the Association upon



15.1 Where action is required to be given under these By-Laws, the form of said notice is considered valid

and proper if sent by or at the direction of the Executive Board:

15.1.A By electronic mail (e-mail) to the last known e-mail address on file with the Secretary-Treasurer;


15.1.B By first class mail, postage prepaid to the last known address on file with the Secretary-Treasurer;


15.1.C By posting said notice on the MTFOA website.


16.1 Failure of literal or complete compliance with the provisions of these By-Laws in respect to dates and times of

notice, or the sending or receipt of same or errors in phraseology of notice of proposals that in the judgment of

the members at meetings held do not cause substantial injury of the rights of members, shall not invalidate the

actions or proceedings of the members at any meeting.


17.1 Upon dissolution of the organization that shall be by a vote of two-thirds of the members attending a duly

called meeting and acting on the recommendation of the Executive Board, if there is no clear successor

organization, any funds remaining after payment of all obligations shall be dedicated to another purpose - to be

determined by vote of the membership - that supports the sport of Track and Field in Massachusetts. The

determination of any remaining funds shall be by vote of the Executive Board made no sooner than six months

after the vote of dissolution.