MIAA, state adopt rules on concussions - earlier posts
Post date: Nov 04, 2010 5:14:27 PM
MIAA adopts new concussion recommendations
posted Oct 8, 2010 2:47 PM by Mass TFOA [ updated Oct 8, 2010 2:57 PM ]
During the meeting of the MIAA Board of Directors the week of Oct. 4, “concussion recommendations” from the MIAA Sports Medicine Committee were adopted by the Board. The recommendations were detailed in email dated Oct. 8 from MIAA executive director Dick Neal to member schools.
The recommendations are:
1. Continue to promote Association initiatives related to concussions in sports, along with other resources and services available (click here http://www.miaa.net/Update%20Concussion%20Issues.htm).
2. Promote the availability of the National Federation of State High School Associations’ online course, “Concussion in Sports – What You Need to Know” (click here http://www.nfhs.org/content.aspx?id=4019), and further to require this Course for all MIAA member school coaches (note: more than 4,000 already have completed the online course).
3. Continue to participate in the Department of Public Health Return to Play Task Force (RTP).
4. Continue to support delay of full implementation of the Concussion Law.
Kindly note that #2 mandates that all your coaches take the National Federation course online. This requirement is effective with the start of this year’s winter sport season (i.e. November 29).
Additionally, the Department of Public Health (DPH) has made a request that we include in the MIAA Concussion Rule the following language: If a student athlete becomes unconscious during a practice or competition, that student must not return to participation without written authorization to the Athletic Director from an appropriate health care professional (as determined by the DPH).
Be assured that we continue to initiate and participate in meetings with other stakeholders on this important subject.
MIAA, state adopt rules on concussions, bullying
posted Sep 8, 2010 12:08 PM by Mass TFOA
During the summer, the Mass. Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) and the Commonwealth adopted rules concerning head injuries and concussions. In addition, the state passed legislation against bullying and hazing.
The new concussion legislation defines the protocols for the identification of student athletes with brain injury concerns, plus the protocols for allowing the athlete to return to competition. While the legislation was targeted for Sept. 1 implementation, the state Department of Health, MIAA and other organizations are formulating detailed regulations.
MTFOA advises all officials to read the new rules and legislation, copies of which are attached to this post.
Attachments (5)
Concussion-Law.pdf - on Sep 8, 2010 12:32 PM by Mass TFOA (version 2 / earlier versions)
MIAA concussion-rule.pdf - on Sep 8, 2010 12:32 PM by Mass TFOA (version 2 / earlier versions)
State Anti-Hazing Law.pdf - on Sep 8, 2010 12:32 PM by Mass TFOA (version 2 / earlier versions)
State Bullying LAw.pdf - on Sep 8, 2010 12:32 PM by Mass TFOA (version 2 / earlier versions)
concussion-member-school-email.pdf - on Sep 8, 2010 12:32 PM by Mass TFOA (version 2 / earlier versions)