Email Blast 12-3-23
1. In the next two Sundays, December 10 and 17. We can still use some help filling a few positions. If available, please reach out to Mark Young
2. There was a great turnout at the meeting/clinic at St. John’s Prep last Wednesday and I want to thank everyone who attended . Many thanks to Rich Murray, Dennis Berry, and Mark Young for their presentations.
The updated high school commissioners lists can be found under Best Pratices/Files on the webpage. For all new members this is a chance for you to get some great experience working the high school league meets.
Please contact the commissioner of the league you would like to work. If you need a mentor to assist in your training, please let the commissioner know and they can provide you with an experienced official to assist in your training.
The MTFOA website provides many training tools to assist in your training as well. The next clinic will be held at Wheaton College on March 14, 2024.
The start of the 2023-2024 Indoor season has begun.
Thank you to all the members who worked the meets over the weekend. A big thank to Ann Bernazzani for getting the bulk of assignments out to our members and to Mark Young who has agreed to assist with the weekly fill ins. It is imperative that you let Mark know if you cannot work your assigned meets as soon as possible to enable him to find replacements. His contact is and cell 203-464-2704.